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AS-5 Acquasafe

AS-5 Acquasafe

An environmentally safe, tasteless and odourless formula used for tankwater disinfection, lasting for up to 2 months
Destroys virtually all bacteria and viruses and is non-toxic, breaking down into oxygen and water
The key ingredient in Acquasafe is Sanosil, exclusively supplied to Davey for tankwater disinfection
Recommended dosage is 1 litre per 15,000 litres of tank water.

*Regular monitoring using Acquasafe test strips is essential to ensure your tank water remains safe*

$ 140.00 AUD
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An environmentally safe, tasteless and odourless formula used for tankwater disinfection, lasting for up to 2 months
Destroys virtually all bacteria and viruses and is non-toxic, breaking down into oxygen and water
The key ingredient in Acquasafe is Sanosil, exclusively supplied to Davey for tankwater disinfection
Recommended dosage is 1 litre per 15,000 litres of tank water.

**Regular monitoring using Acquasafe test strips is essential to ensure your tank water remains safe**

Rainwater starts out clean, bacteria and virus free, but as soon as it hits a collecting surface like a roof top, dangerous bacteria can enter the water.
Animal and bird droppings, dust, dirt and decaying vegetable matter like leaves can contaminate tank water. Each of these sources of contamination
can lead to dangerous bacteria entering your water supply, like E.Coli and streptococci.
Acquasafe uses patented technology to kill the bacteria and viruses that are harmful to people and animals and protects your tank from recontamination for up to two months.
Acquasafe is completely non-toxic and safe to use around your family. Unlike chlorine which has carcinogenic by products, Acquasafe
breaks down into oxygen and water.
The main ingredient of Acquasafe is hydrogen peroxide and is listed in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines for the purpose of treating drinking water.

Microlene Acquasafe uses a stabilising agent to ensure longevity of the formula.
Acquasafe is Effective
Over 170 extensive tests conducted worldwide have proven Acquasafe kills over 60 different germs, bacteria, viruses, amoeba, biofilms and other pathogens
Acquasafe oxidizes all germs immediately and then leaves a residual to ensure the water stays clean
For added protection against protozoan cysts like giardia and cryptosporidium it is recommended to use one micron depth filtration in conjunction with Acquasafe for general disinfection
Longer Lasting, Better Than Chlorine, Protects water for up to two months under normal conditions, which means clean water for longer
Chlorine based disinfectants will only disinfectyour water for at most a couple of days
Chlorine leaves no residual and water is therefore susceptible to recontamination
Chlorine leaves an offensive taste and smell
Acquasafe reduces the frequency of dosing and monitoring with test strips will ensure water remains safe
Long lasting action ensures water is disinfected to the point of use
Cost Effective-One litre of Acquasafe can protect 15,000L of water from contamination for up to two months
A single drop of Acquasafe can sanitisealmost 4½ glasses of water!
Therefore the cost of protecting your water with Acquasafe is very low


Unit 9/21, Ryan Avenue
New South Wales Australia 2330

(02) 6572 4949

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